Thursday, May 12, 2011
I gave one of my programs a makeover and made it freeware. It’s a little movie database i use to keep track of my DVDs.
Click for more info: Andy’s Movie Database.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
I decided to become more active here again and add some useful content to the site.
I have some megabytes worth of notes and code snippets i made when programming something, and when reading books and articles, and i think it would be worthwhile to make short little articles out of those notes and snippets which have been helpful to me, to put them up here, so others can read and hopefully learn something from them.
You can reach the new page i made for this under
The design is minimal, and i just started copying over the content of my old C++ Tips & Tricks page, but i plan on adding new content often, fleshing out the interesting notes i made during the last years, and making new ones as i learn/read something interesting 🙂
Friday, January 22, 2010
Wow, more then five years without an update..i’ve been lazy 🙂
But i decided to put the two main papers i’ve written during university online for the interested.
First, my project thesis: Implementierung und Evaluation eines fokussierten Context Graph Crawlers (in german), about the implementation and evaluation of a focused crawler, a webcrawler that tries to find websites of a given topic aided by a context graph, using computational learning to build a classifier that guesses how far a given website is away from a relevant page to decide if it should follow the links on that site.
And second, my diploma thesis, A Visual Rendering of a Semantic Wiki Query Language (Abstract).
The thesis first gives a survey of some of the most important and interesting visual languages for modelling, programming and querying. Then it details the conception, design and implementation of visKWQL, a browser-based visual query language i developed for the KiWi Project. visKWQL can be seen in action in the KiWi Showcase (not always available since KiWi is still in development).
visKWQL will also be demoed at the WWW2010.